Everything you need to know about Opportunity Dates

21 February, 2015   Tips & news


Why Are They Perfect for your Group?

The Opportunity Dates are a win-win deal for your Group or Convention; why? Because your attendees will enjoy an excellent rate; you will be offered a better deal than the year before and for the same days.

Why does a hotel or resort offer Opportunity Dates?

Because it has the space available for your sessions and it has the inventory of suites available. Moreover, with these additional suites offered, the hotel will achieve its occupational goal.

So, who does win with the Opportunity Dates?

Both win: the hotel and the customer, but the balance is tilted more towards the customer. The hotel has defined the rate, but this is not the main reason why the customer chooses the deal; some other benefits offered all year long or promotions mentioned in previous years, can be added as part of the ingredients at the closing time.

As a conclusion, we all win! It is always a pleasure to be the host of distinguished companies and offer our accommodation (your home), this wonderful space where the warmth of Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Maya is transmitted through the excellent service of our staff.

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